June 21/22 ,2013 Join the Westman Wilderness Club for an overnight backpack into Kinnis Creek in Riding Mountain National Park .Saturday is open to day hikers. Call Di 204-571-0477.
It was just my-self and my trusted 4-legged friend who ventured out this time. As things were working against me, I decided on a shorter trip then originally planned - Minnedosa Creek camp site for the night. Kinnis Creek camp site had been the original plan - but the bison were patrolling the creek! You can imagine my horror (the first horror) when I arrived at the parking lot, desperate to use the facilities, to find bison pies down the path to the 'loo'... I didn't go any further to see if 'he' was still there!! Anyway, it was an uneventful hike hike in - late in the afternoon. Second horror, there were about 15 students from a Winnipeg school with 2 teachers....obviously I was not in for a peaceful evening! The skies did start to clear during the evening - and I thought I might get lucky in seeing the full moon. Noooo! It wasn't long before the clouds start to build - and the rain started - the storm starter - and continued until morning! We were all up at the crack of dawn. I did stay dry - until I got out of my tent, that is! On the way back, there were two other backpackers who had stayed at Whitewater. We were all on the trail by 8 am! The highlight of the trip, a baby moose, a family of geese and 2 deer as I was driving out from the park! Do I need to mention the numerous ticks and mosquitoes?! Di Ingram