July 7, 2015 Day hike & Weiner Roast
It was great day in Riding Mountain National Park for Roger & Cheryl’s Fun day at Katherine Lake. Roger led a hike from Grey Owl Parking lot into Lake Kinosao and back on the Brule Trail. Their were warnings of Thunderstorms on our way but all went well. A group picture was taken on the dock of the Lake after Maureen & Brent tried to throw each other in the water. After the hike we all drove over to Katherine Lake where Cheryl was setting up a gourmet weiner roast with all the side dishes. Members took turns taking Roger’s home beautiful cedar crafted canoes for a spin around the lake. Stephanie showed her natural abilities on the Paddle board. Brenda brought her grand children to play on the dock. We had just finished gorging ourselves when s thunderstorm came up from the north west to sprinkle a few drops of rain. Members taking part were Roger, Cheryl, Ed, Linda, Brent, Maureen, Stephanie, Jenine, Janis, Alf & Di. Great hike, paddle & wiener roast!