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There were 9 of us!  Bert and Judy, Eldon and Linda, Olwen and James, Hazel, Bill, Di and the supervisor - Scotty!  It was a cool morning, but we soon warmed up as we started to clear the debris off the trail.  We started with the 2 km hiking trail, where we split into 2 groups to complete the loop.  We then went to the short cut from A loop through to the parking lot.  It was just as well we had 2 chain saws - as both were almost out of gas by the time we finished!  There were probably about 10 trees that we cleared off the trail, along with smaller branches and dead-fall.  Some of us then followed James on a short hike while others headed home.  A few then went for coffee at Bill and Carol's and the rest of us headed home due to other commitments.
Thanks for helping out!  I let Cam from A&L know what we had done - another big thank you!    

Di Ingram

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