Eldon and Linda, Kari, Stephanie, Di and Scotty met in Onanole before heading off to the trail head. It wasn't particularly warm or sunny - but it was dry - and that's what mattered! This could have been a bit of a 'Wild Goose Chase' - as I was leading a hike that I had never done before - neither had anyone else! After studying the map really hard - we set off. It wasn't long before layers of clothes were dispensed with, and shortly after that - the sun came out! There was plenty of bear scat along the way - but no bears. I think I should say - we didn't see any bears - but how many saw us? Eldon was able to point out Poison Ivy to us all in it's various stages. My conclusion is, if in doubt, assume it's Poison Ivy - it seems to come in all shapes, colors and sizes! At one point we had fantastic views of Bald Hill, and the trail we had taken out last year. In fact - we had fantastic views all the way around! I think all of us, though, decided that biking parts of this trail would be potentially suicidal - and that hiking it was the better option.
Thanks to everyone who came out - and Kari for the pictures!